• Cold showers reduce inflammation{ This is a responce given by the body when a                                                                foreign organism comes in contact with                                                                     human body } .
  • Relieves pain , is recommended after workout - as it relieves muscle soreness .
  • It has been proven that it increases dopamine levels in the  body and the person taking cold showers is probably more active and alert all day.
  • It is also proven that cold showers also help in weight loss , not actively but passively - means it will not show a major impact suddenly but is favourable and good for long term .
  • Cold showers are also proven to increase the rate of metabolism .
  • There is a fact which i personally have experianced is that it increases your focus let it be on anything ,  i would suggest that if you are having an important exam tomorrow { for example } and you are frustrated and irritated as you are not able to read and understand at the speed u want to, then have a cold shower and start reading again and there about 90% - 95% chance that your pace of reading will drastically increase .
  • Researchers have found that taking an ice cold showers may heightened your immune system and make you more resistant to illness .


  • It helps to reduce the blood pressure and lower blood sugar .
  • Person taking hot showers have more hydrated and moisturized skin .
  • It helps to fall asleep fast .
  • Helps relieve symptoms of flu and etc...
  • It improves blood circulation .
  • Average time of being under hot shower is 5 - 10 mins and we should not overdo it .
  • We should prefer cold water over hot water and it has no disadvantages when compared to hot showers .
  • If we have to showers few times a week then its beneficial for healthy hair and etc.. but if done daily may damage the skin and lead to dryness and damaged hair .
  • It may worsen some conditions such as eczema { A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which may cause itching or bleeding } .


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