Gangrene :- 

Definition :- 

  • Death of the tissue due to lack of blood supply or severe bacterial infection can be termed as a gangrene .
  • Gangrene is a combination of necrosis and putrification ( necrosis mainly coagulative and liquifactive necrosis ) .

Causes :- There are two main causes because of which gangrene occurs they are :

  • Sudden cessation of blood supply
  • Bacterial infection
  • Smoking 
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Rynauds phenomenon - this is a disese in which there will be decreased blood flow to the fingers or the peripheries in cold conditions .
  • Obesity and etc...

Types :- There are two main types of gangrene they are :

  1. Dry  gangrene -

  • This is a gangrene caused due to arterio occlusion ( means occlusion or blockage of the arteries ) .
  • Example : gangrene in the limbs of a old patient due to severe atherosclerosis ( means blockage or obstruction to the flow of blood in the arteries ) .
  • Characteristics - dark , dry , less bacteria , less putrification , less smell , line of demarcation present .
      2.Wet  gangrene -

  •  This is type of gangrene which is caused due to venule occlusion ( blockage of                               veins ) .
  • Example : Diabetic foot and bed sores in bed riiden patients due to pressure on the sites like buttocks , sacrum and heel  .
  • Characteristics - moist , soft , dark , more bacteria , more smell , more putrification , no line of demarcation .

Symptoms :-

  • Fever 
  • Chills 
  • Pain in the area may or may not be there .
  • Pus is foul smelling in wet gangrene 
  • There is some crackling sound from the skin when pressure is applied 
  • Loss of sensation in that area .
  • Cold pale skin, but swollen red skin in the affected area .
  • Increased heart rate .
  • Dizzines 
  • Rapid breathing and etc.....

Diagnosis :- 

  • Can be done by examination of skin , then 
  • Blood examinatin to check for any infections 
  • Using culture media to know the bacteria involved to give best antibiotic for treatment .

Treatment and management :- 

  • Restoration of the blood flow 
  • Removal of the infected area 
  • Prevent spread of the infection 
  • Using hyperbaric oxygen therapy - increased oxygen concentration in the body leading to healing of the cells damaged and also decrease in the bacterial spread .


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