Sinusitis :-

 This is a disease in which the air sinuses in our body is inflammed causing pain in the area of sinus inflammed . 

Cause :- 

  • Swelling in the mucosa surrounding the sinuses because of inflammation .
  • Bacterial infection 
  • Viral infection - Most common
  • Fungal infection
  • Nasal polyps - some type of blockages which block the draining of the discharge from nasal sinuses into nose or throat causing headache .

Types :-

  1. Acute sinusitis
  2. Subacute sinusitis
  3. Chronis sinusitis
  4. Recurrent sinusitis

Symptoms :- 

  • Head ache 
  • Pain in the region of the sinus which is inflammed .
  • Difficulty in smelling ( affects the smelling sense ) .
  • Cough 
  • Dripping of nose 
  • Tenderness at the region of inflammed sinus .
  • Nasal congestion

Diagnosis :- This can be done by few ways they are :

  • By Checking for the symptoms .
  • Sometimes there are different symtoms which cannot be identifies so in that cases RHINOSCOPY can be done .

  • X - rays 

  • CT scan 

Treatment :- 

  1. Acute Viral sinusitis :- This disease cant be treated but the symtoms can be treated by :
  • Nasal decongestions
  • Pain killers 
  • Drinking plenty of water - in order to move the accumulated mucus in the throat to stomach .
  • Using mucolytic medicines - used to treat hyper secreation of mucus .
      2. Acute bacterial sinusitis :- 
  • Nasal decongestions
  • Pain killers 
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Mucolytic medicines
  • Giving antibiotics for 10 - 14 days 
     3. Acute fungal sinusitis :-
  • Nasal decongestion
  • Pain killers
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Using mucolytic medicines
  • Using antibiotics for 4 - 6 weeks 
     4. Severe sinusitis :- 
  • Surgery - by remving polyps or extra part near the sinus which causes blockage of the discharge causing inflammation .


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