Hypothyroidism :- 

This is an endocrine disorder , it is called endocrine disorder because it affects thyroid gland and thyroid gland is endocrine gland .

Definition :-

 This is a condition in which there will be depletion of thyroid hormones in the body which may happen due to two main causes .

Causes :-

  • Some defect in thyroid gland causing decreased secretion of thyroid hormones .
  • Some defects in the pituitary gland causing decreased formation of thyroid hormones .
  • Decreased salt intake 
  • Malformation of thyroid and pituitary .
  • Passing of antithyroid antibodies in the iul ( intra uterine life ) .
  • This may also happen because of increased intake on antithyroid hormones .
  • Excess use of radioiodine 
  • Thyroidectomy 
NOTE : antithyroid drugs - are given to decrease the thyroid hormone secretion , this drug is                                                       used for hyperthroidism .
              Thyroidectomy - Means removal of thyroid gland ( fully or partially ) , which is usually                                                   done if the patient has thyroid cancer .

Types :-

 There are mainly two types of hypothroidism they are : 

  1. Primary hypothyroidism / Thyroid hypothroidism :- 
  •  This is a type of hypothroidism in which the affected organ is the thyroid gland .
      2. Secondary hypothyroidsm / Pituitary hypothyroidism :- 
  • This is atype of hypothyroidism in which the affected organ is the pituitary gland .

Symptoms / Characteristics :-  

  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • Poor memory
  • Cold intolerance 
  • Weakness 
  • Easily tired 
  • Constipation
  • Alopecia psycosis - If a person is having this than the chances of person being depressed will be  more .
  • Menorrhagea - in females , painful menstruation .
  • Galactorrhea - This is a milky discharge from breast , which is not related to lactation  or pregnancy .
  • Infertility 

Diagnosis :- 

  1. Primary hypothroidism  - can be diagnosed by checking the blood ( blood test ) , 
  • The T3 and T4 levels are decrease  and the TSH levels are increased .
      2. Secondary hypothyroidism - can be diagnosed by blood test , 
  • T3 and T4 levels decrease anf TSH levels also decrease in blood .

Treatment :- 

  • Intake of iodine should be normalized 
  • Stop taking antithyroid drugs
  • Thyroid hormone replacement therapy to maintain the T3 levels in the blood .
  • Using some medications ( orally taken ) to maintain the hormone level .

Hypothyroidism in children ( cretinism ) :- 

  • Crtinism is a condition in the children suffering from hypothyroidism 

Symptoms :-

  • Low IQ
  • Short stature
  • Diminished reproductive organs 
  • Pot belly
  • Protruded tongue 

Diet plan :- 


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