Gigantism :- 

Definition :-


  • This is a condition in which a persons hieght will increase more than 7 feet , this condition usually occurs in childhood . 
  • Usually this occurs when the growth of the bone occurs before fusion of epiphyseal plate .
  • It is an endocrine disorder - as it is related pituitary gland .
NOTEGigantism is different from Aromegaly .

Causes :- 

  • Excessive production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland .
  • Tumour causing increased secreation from pituitary gland
  • Increased growth hormone releasing hormone ( which is a responsible factor for growt hormone increase ) .

Symptoms / Characteristics :-

  • Increase in height 
  • Probably there will be no increase in girth , however in some cases it may appear
  • Gynacomastia
  • hirutism - excessive hair growth on the body
  • There may be some problems in vision
  • There will be no protruding and broadning of the jaw 
  • Moderate obesity
  • Headaches 
  • Frontal bossing 
  • Release of breast milk 
  • Thick and oily skin

Diagnosis :- 

  • The diagnosis is same as that of acromegaly , by checking the level of gh in the blood  .

Treatment :-

  • Removing of the tumour on the pituitary gland .
  • Decreasing the levels of gh in the blood by using some medications 
  • Radiation therapy .

Complications :-

  • Increased size of organs like kidneys , heart and etc...
  • Sleep apnea - sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep .
  • Diabetes 
  • High bp 
  • Heart failure and etc....


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