Cushing syndrome / disease :- 

Definition :-

This is a disease in which the cortisol level will increase , there are two types of cushing we can say , one is pituitary dependent , another is pituitary independent .

Causes :-  

  • One of the main cause is the tumour on pituitary or some medications which had some side affects , among which the main side affect was increase in cortisol .

Symptoms / Characteristics :-


  • Rounded face 
  • Centripital obesity
  • Purple coloured stria ( on stomach and near the shoulders and armpits )
  • Acne
  • Hirutism - increased fascial hair
  • Thin and weak legs 
  • Little psycotic behaviour
  • Dcereased immunity
  • Bruises 
  • Osteoporosis
  • Decreased wound healing capacity 
  • Increased bp
  • Increased 
  • Women may have more hair on the body and irregular periods 

Diagnosis :- 

  • Increased cortisol levels in the blood 
  • MRI - for testing of presence of tumour
  • CT scan - to test presence of tumour
  • Ultrasound - to test presence of tumour

Treatment :-

  • Transspenoidal microademectomy 
  • Bilateral total adrenolectomy
  • Pituitary radiation
  • Drugs

Complication :- 


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