Types of deafness :- There are two types of deafness :

  1. Conductive deafness
  2. Sensory neural deafness

  1. Conductive deafness :- 

This is a type of deafness in which damage to outer or middle ear occurs and there will be conductance of the waves of the sound through the bone(bone conduction).


  • There is blockage in the external acoustic meatus causing obstruction in passage of the sound waves though the ear.
  • Immobilization of ear ossicles
  • Damage to ear ossicles
  • Otitis media
  • Swelling of the tympanic membrane
  • Accumulation of fluid in ear
  • Blockage of eustachian tube(This is a tube which connects the middle ear with the nose which is responsible for air or pressure balance in both the ear equally)
  • Allergies and etc...

  2. Sensory neural deafness :-

 This is type of deafness in which there is problem in the inner ear and the symptoms depend on the severity of the infection or the severity of the damage.


  • Toxic degeneration, of hair cell present in the ear( Hair cells are the stuctures present in the ear which are responsible for the providing clarity of the sound waves reaching the ear)
  • Senile degeneration , of hair cells is the degeneration caused due to increasing age.
  • Damage to the outer hair cells .
  • Labrynthitis 
  • Tumour causing damage in the middle ear and etc...


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