DEFINITION :- This is a dangerous bacterial disease which causes painful muscular contractions and it is extremely rare disease.

Causes :- 

  1. Hypocalcemia :- 

# This is condition caused due to decrease in                                     calcium levels in the body which may be                                         caused due to following reasons :

      *More excreation of calcium

      *Less absorption of calcium in the intestine

      *Increased intake of dietary fibres like(fruits having an                    ectoderm like apple and vegetables like brinjal , lady                      fingers  and etc...)

  2.Wound contaminated with dirt or etc..

  3.Burns , injuries with dead skin and etc...

  4.A bacteria called clostridium tetani causes tetanus.

  5. Increased heart rate

  6. Sweating and high bp

  7. Muscle stiffness

Symptoms :- 

  • Carpo pedal spasm :- This is sign in which the patient is tied a spigmomanometer cuff aroung his hand and the arteries are blocked for about 2 - 3 mins , if there is any spasm are the region of thenar eminensce (near the thumb) then it is confirm that a person is having tetanus.
  • Treausseau sign -  is another name of carpopedal spasm
  • Laryngeal spasm - is also a sign of tetanus in which the person will be having painful laryngeal contractions causing asphysia(increase in CO2 in the body and decrese in O2 in the body because there is no respiration).
  • Chovstek sign - This is sign in which the doctor taps at the angle of mandible of the patient and if there is spasm of any face muscles , then it is confirmed that he is suffering from tetanus.
  • Lock jaw - means locking of the jaw in the opened ir closed condition.
Treatment :- 

  • Actually there is no treatment for tetany, actually the treatment is done to decrease the severity of the symptoms.

  • Giving antibiotics is one of the effective treatments.
  • Treatment with Human tetanus globulin(tig) immediatley is necessary.


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