Definition:- Lesion in the mucosa of the stomach due to action of acids and certain enzymes is peptic ulcers.

Cause:- Some causes of peptic ukcers are:

  • Incresed secreation of acids may be due to decrease in amount of prostaglandins and etc....
  • Drinking of vinger directly by mistake causes abnormal decrease in ph of the stomach causing damage to the mucosal wall.
  •   drinking of ethyl alcohol-(which is said to be a componant in fake and cheap alcohols, these fake alcohols cost  is less because they use ethyl alcohol instead of methyl alcohol).
  • Overactivation of parietal cells due to eating of acidic or fatty foods causing increased acid secreation .
  • Some harmful affects of ethyl alcohol are #head ache                                                                                     #drowsiness
                                                                            #nausea                                                                                                  #unconsioness & etc

  • Prostaglandins are responsible to show controlling action on the enzymes released in the stomach, so decrease in prostaglandins causes peptic ulcers.
  • most importantly life style matters, so the type of food one takes is an imp factor in causing peptic ulcers.
  • spicy and oily foods are very dangerous category of food items which has a higher chances of causing petic ulcers.

  • There is a bacteria named helicobacter pylori which binds to epithelial cells and cause peptic ulcers mainly.
  • Blood group O+ve are more having increased risk of peptic ulcers(Clinical cause of it is not known yet , but we will try to know the cause of it soon) .

  • Appearance of dull pain in the chest or upper abdominal region.
  • belching
  • heart burn
  • loss of weight 
  • loss of apetite
  • indigestion
  • nausea 
  • vominting
  • abdominal discomfort
  • increased amount of gas
  • appearance of satiety sooner (means filling of the stomach sooner)


  • Most common treatment in using of proton pump inhibitor .
  • Using of antacids is also a treatment mechanism.

   Mechanism of proton pump inhibitor:-

  • This can be abbreviated as ppi which reduces the amount of acids from the stomach causing healing of the ulcer naturally.


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