
 This is a condition in which the ketone bodies are increased in the body .

Mechanism :- 

The ketone bodies contain keto acids as one of their constituents so as the ketone bodies increase the keto acids incresase and, as the keto acids increases, the blood ph decreases which is not good for maintaining equilibrium in our body .

NOTE :- Normal range of ph in our body is : 7.35 - 7.45 , below or above this may cause some problems such as acidosis(Decreased Ph) and alkalosis(Increased Ph) .

Causes :- Two main causes of ketoacidosis are :

  • Starvation
  • Uncontrolled diabetes

NOTE :- The ketonuria and ketonemia are we can say the precursors for the ketoacidosis.

  1. Ketonuria - Appearance of ketones in the urine .
  2. Ketonemia - Increased levels of ketones in the blood . 

Ketonuria as a marker for weightloss Programms :- 

  • There are some weight loss programs in which ketonuria is a marker for weight loss . so, we can say that ketonuria is playing a positive role in some aspects .
  • Ketonuria + Ketonemia = Ketosis ; which if becomes chronic and severe causes ketoacidosis.

Compensation of acidosis by the body :- 

  • As the ketoacidosis is a type of metabolic acidosis the compensation is mainly done by the respiratory systems .  However some compensation is also done by the kidneys ( like excreation and absorption and etc...)
  • In ketoacidosis  the bicarbonate(HCO3) amount in blood is decreased ( Normal level - 22 - 29 meq/l)
  • As the bicarbonate level is decreased the ratio of the bicarbonate (HCO3)and the carbonic(H2CO3) acid is disturbed( Normal ratio is - 20 : 1 ) , 20 is bicarbonate and 1 is carbonic acid .
  • COMPENSATION BY LUNGS - Hyperventilation 
  • COMPENSATION BY THE KIDNEYS - 1. Increased excreation of h+ and decreased                                                                                       excreation of HCO3 .
                                                                                 2. Increased absorption of HCO3 and decreased                                                                                         absorption of h+.

Treatment : - Actually acidosis is not a disease it is a condition arising from the underlying disease so the treatments are as follows :

  1. IV LACTATE - As it replaces the extra h+ ions in the body and helps in bringing back the ph to normal .
  2. Treatment of the underlying disease . 


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