VARICOSE VEINS :-  • Dialatation(means              swelling) of the veins of the lower limb              mainly sephanous veins(great) cause                varicose veins.
   •Causes due to standing for long periods.
   •And swelling of valves(structures present        in the great sephanous vein to prevent back      flow of blood) of the veins.
SPIDER VEINS :- • Caused by pooling of the blood near the veins and some other causes may be obesity , increased weight and etc...
   • spider vein is actually a symptom of varicose veins.
TREATMENT :- • For spider veins the treatment is easy and it goes fast by doing sclerotherapy , varicose veins does not goes of on its own if waited it gets worse but not heals so we should consult a doctor before it causes other problems or ailments.
•SCLEROTHERAPY :- In this therapy the small and medium sized varicose veins are injected with sclerotherapin(solution which is injected in sclerotherapy), sclerotherapin contains mainly hypertonic saline sol.
FOODS TO BE PREVENTED :- • refined carbs
                                                       •sodium (salt)
                                                       •fried items etc


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