CAUSE --- Damage or compression of the                             tibial nerve(root value -                                           L4,L5,S1,S2,S3)...
SYMPTOMS --- ★Radiating pain in the medial                                  side of the foot(sole of the                                    foot means the part of the                                   facing the ground).
                            Even there will be sensory                                      loss(loss of touch                                                    sensations on the medial                                      side of the foot),Tingling                                        sensation or feeling like                                        shock when the leg is                                            dorsiflexed and eversion is                                    done.
                            There is increase in pain at                                  night time......         TREATMENT---★Usage of steroids .
                            Usage of anti inflammatory                                  medication.
                            Releasing pressure on the                                    nerve by treating the                                              underlying cause.
                            Very rarely the surgeries are                                   done to treat this condition                                   which has high chances of                                     success which is good.
✓ The compression of the nerve occurs because of some reasons like ---
#tumour(rare cases)
#Continous standing for long time and etc.....
✓ Some tests to confirm the tarsal tunnel syndrome are ---
#dorsiflexion-eversion test --- if the leg is dorsiflexed and eversed the person will feel shooting pain like shock movingin that area.
#tinels sign --- tapping on the nerve causes a shooting pain like shock is moving in that part. 


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